Sagacity Media
Case Studies
Curated By
Pierce Kingston

BattlePacks - Custom Membership Ecommerce Website

Team Involved

Take a deep dive into our sleek, LEGO styled website for a local Los Angeles Ecommerce brand that is changing the game in the LEGO re-sell and custom space.

March 23, 2024
Time To Read
Price Range
Los Angeles, CA
Time Frame
Sep 2023-Present

How This Project Came To Be

This project was one I was excited about personally. A mutual friend of mine came to me with this amazing idea in an low-competition niche that I thought was genius. He gave me the rundown and asked if I was capable, and I was all in at this point.

What started with some basic website design and development, turned into a full blown stack of our services as we showed our worth in the space. We turned to services like, content planning & curation, email marketing, SEO, consulting and automation. This was also a very early rendition of implementing a membership functionality to a website which was a super fun task to over come.

We achieved all of this with a full stack of programs like, Figma for the website design, Webflow for the website development, Shopify for the Ecommerce functionality, Memberstack for the membership side of the website, Mailchimp for automated email marketing, SEMRush for assistance with SEO research and analysis, and Zapier for some other automations needed. Please continue to read through this case study to get a full breakdown on this amazing project we were apart of.


What Is BattlePacks Looking For From Sagacity?

At first glance, Steven aka Stelo (Founder and CEO of BattlePacks), had an idea of taking the resell game to the next level by adding a monthly membership to have access to deals of a lifetime. Small price to pay to be a member, but customers who are already avid LEGO buyers will save 10x what the subscription is worth for retired sets, expensive figures, etc.

As a web developer who has worked with a lot of people and companies who thrive on the pricing of resold items, I’ve never even thought of a membership based e-commerce store and I knew I’d have to plan out what tech stack we’d be using and how pricey it was going to be to keep this up and running every month.

For BattlePacks’ competition, we didn’t see many competitors in the market. Only one of the competitors really had a hold on the LEGO market, but they were primarily selling custom made sets and instructions, also an avenue Steven wanted to pursue in the future when the idea came about. But no one with a subscription base. (We knew this was a good idea once this said competitor started adding a subscription to his website for deals). We also decided that we were going to look into taking bits and pieces from different companies in this LEGO Star Wars space as we went along so we could be a so-called “one stop shop”.

With our customer base research, we found a lot of the traffic was through Instagram specifically and certain discord groups. We also found a lot of traction in the YouTube creator space that we planned to tap into once we had a base and could send some PR packages in exchange for a video being made about our project.

With the research done, we then moved to start getting our plan of action together.


How Can We Attack BattlePack’s Needs?

First and foremost, we had to get a logo out together, not Sagacity’s expertise, but we got it done regardless. BattlePacks wanted something that would resemble the Star Wars logo as that was the primary category of sets they were going to sell. We went through about 3 rounds of changes and tweaks until we got the perfect logo that fit the brand. From there we would get started on the website design. Planning out every page and how it would look until we got approval on the clients end to start developing.

Our Services

Website Design

Getting The Image On Paper

Then was the start of some landing page design concepts in Figma. We can see the theme of Star Wars come out in almost every step of the way when it comes to design so we stuck with that. Dark themed, sleek but playful website to fit the LEGO niche. We used dark blue, a light neon blue and yellow as our color base for this website. It wasn’t until later we started adding some boarders that resembled some golds and silvers.

For our font choices, we went with Bakbak One, thick but really fit the Star Wars type text. As our secondary we decided on the sleek Poppins which is a staple in many of the other website designs we’ve done. From here, everything was basically done, BattlePacks was super happy with the initial design and we decided to go with it!


What Is Figma? Sagacity uses Figma for all of our website design needs. Though it has many more capabilities, we use it 100% of the time for website design.

Website Development

Turning The Web Design Image Into Reality

We hopped into Webflow to start development even though we will be ending up in Shopify later on for their e-commerce functionality. We will explain how we did this later on.

Element by element, section by section and page by page, we built the entire thing with e-commerce functions within Webflow. Once we got everything working on that front, we used a web app called Udesly to convert our Webflow project into a Shopify template that you can simply just throw into Shopify. With a little bit of testing snd troubleshooting the e-commerce functionalities of the website, we then turned to the long and grueling process of figuring out customer accounts, gathering and storing their data so they can log in and out and have access to certain sections, pages and buttons. We decided on MemberStack to help us do this. We knew that Shopify had native customer accounts, but we thought we were going to have some restrictions going forward. With Shopify it can get expensive loading up applications to help us do what we want, not to mention how the site speed will be affected. Trial and error was the way we went about this, but we got it down to a science once we were done with this.

SEO (Search engine optimiztion)

How We Got BattlePacks On The Map

As SEO is an ongoing process, we only have a few things to cover in this section. Our go-to program for all of our SEO research and daily, weekly and monthly analysis is SEMRush. 

We started from square one which means we had no keywords, no backlinks, little to no organic traffic and  no research. As this process has gone on, we’ve slowly been gaining keywords, backlinks which in turn has gained a good amount of organic traffic from Google. SEO is not a main priority for us and BattlePacks as of now, as we can continue our focus into the social platforms to gain social traffic which is also free. But we at Sagacity believe that it is important to get the ball rolling with SEO so we have a base to start with. 

Of course we’re going to rank highly for branded keywords which we rank for #1-2 on 3 different variations. The rest are just very basic product names that we were able to rank for with our product titles and descriptions. We also added an FAQ section and page for a better text to HTML ratio on all pages as well as another place to throw some short and long tail keywords in the future. Backlinks are not a huge priority for us to get right now due to our current workload and how they are going to be simpler to get as we gain more traction organically on social media. You can check our most updated statistics to the side of this text.


What Is SEMRush? Sagacity uses SEMRush to do all of our SEO analysis, audits, and reporting. We can get a great overview of how the work we’ve done is getting results for our clients.

Content / social media

The Social Factor

We knew social media was going to be a huge outlet to hit since we started this project. BattlePacks wanted to take most of the work for social media as he does have the knowledge of the niche and has been intertwined with the community himself for quite some time. 

The LEGO community on Instagram is huge, so we tapped into it right away. Some of our first posts came out and they got the traction we were expecting. We then curated some hype with the first official release of a “BattlePacks Season” with some updated social graphics and curated copy for our captions. With these new graphics, we loaded them up into Canva for easy plug-and-plays that BattlePacks could do on his own so we didn’t have to go back and forth on changing up text and wording on these posts. 

We then started to change the game with a few video posts on both Instagram and TikTok which we are still hoping to scale up in the future. Our main focus is to get organic social traffic with engaging posts that people in this community can relate to.

Email marketing

Getting Customers Back Onto The Website With Email

As an ecommerce store, we knew that it would be a great opportunity to generate some more sales with some easy email marketing. We started slow and sent a few emails out every time we dropped new products or a big release we had on the store. With such a small email list, we saw great success with what we had to work with. Each email gained an extra 2 to 3 sales, but we also assumed most of those on the email list were already active customers who may have already purchased. We believe scaling this to a bi-weekly newsletter with releases, news and updates might show us greater success in the future.

Let's Look At
The Numbers

The breakdown

What Is BattlePacks Looking For From Sagacity?

At first glance, Steven aka Stelo (Founder and CEO of BattlePacks), had an idea of taking the resell game to the next level by adding a monthly membership to have access to deals of a lifetime. Small price to pay to be a member, but customers who are already avid LEGO buyers will save 10x what the subscription is worth for retired sets, expensive figures, etc.

As a web developer who has worked with a lot of people and companies who thrive on the pricing of resold items, I’ve never even thought of a membership based e-commerce store and I knew I’d have to plan out what tech stack we’d be using and how pricey it was going to be to keep this up and running every month.

For BattlePacks’ competition, we didn’t see many competitors in the market. Only one of the competitors really had a hold on the LEGO market, but they were primarily selling custom made sets and instructions, also an avenue Steven wanted to pursue in the future when the idea came about. But no one with a subscription base. (We knew this was a good idea once this said competitor started adding a subscription to his website for deals). We also decided that we were going to look into taking bits and pieces from different companies in this LEGO Star Wars space as we went along so we could be a so-called “one stop shop”.

With our customer base research, we found a lot of the traffic was through Instagram specifically and certain discord groups. We also found a lot of traction in the YouTube creator space that we planned to tap into once we had a base and could send some PR packages in exchange for a video being made about our project.

With the research done, we then moved to start getting our plan of action together.

Let's Wrap
It Up


Conclusion: Crafting Success with Sagacity Digital Marketing

At Sagacity, our collaborative journey with BattlePacks stands as a testament to our holistic approach in digital marketing, web design, and e-commerce optimization. Our dedication to excellence and innovation has not only propelled BattlePacks into the spotlight within the LEGO resell market but has also established a solid foundation for their continuous growth and success in the e-commerce domain.

Innovative Digital Solutions for Niche Markets: Our comprehensive strategy encompassed everything from website design and development to SEO optimization and email marketing, showcasing our capability to adapt and thrive in niche markets. By leveraging cutting-edge tools like Figma, Webflow, Shopify, and SEMRush, we were able to create a seamless online experience that resonates with the LEGO community and beyond.

SEO Mastery for E-Commerce: The substantial increase in organic traffic and keyword ranking underscores the effectiveness of our SEO strategies. With a remarkable 601% jump in keyword visibility and a 161% boost in organic traffic, Sagacity has demonstrated unparalleled expertise in enhancing online presence and driving sales through strategic SEO practices.

Engagement Through Content and Social Media: Our content curation and social media campaigns have significantly amplified BattlePacks' reach, engaging a community of enthusiasts and converting them into loyal customers. By tapping into platforms like Instagram and TikTok, we've unlocked new avenues for interaction, community building, and brand visibility.

Email Marketing Excellence: Our targeted email marketing campaigns have not only re-engaged existing customers but also played a crucial role in sustaining and increasing sales with every product launch. This personalized approach has proven to be a key driver in maintaining customer loyalty and boosting revenue.

A Partnership for the Future: The success story of BattlePacks is not just about achieving immediate results; it's about building a long-term vision for success. As we look to the future, Sagacity is committed to continuing our support for BattlePacks, exploring new strategies, and adapting to the evolving digital landscape to ensure sustained growth and success.

Our journey with BattlePacks exemplifies our mission at Sagacity: to empower businesses with innovative digital marketing strategies that drive growth, enhance online presence, and create lasting relationships with their audience. Let us bring your project to life with the same passion and expertise. Contact Sagacity today to embark on your journey to digital excellence.